Page name: minds eye special [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-20 01:37:53
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this edition is for pictures from my friends






The next one i stole from aki XD




I adore this pic!!


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2007-04-05 [Aki Neko]: hehe..they called you "chan"<img:44166_1164145221.gif>

2007-04-05 [shadow frost wolf]: because i am, do you know what chan is?

2007-04-05 [~Spirit Fox~]: I do. and we mean it as friends, right Caita-Chan?

2007-04-06 [shadow frost wolf]: indeed kieta-chan ^_^

2007-04-14 [shadow frost wolf]: rika chan drew kitties!

2007-04-14 [Kailynn]: *claps*...Yay!!..Kitties!!...*Runs off and draws more kitties*.....

2007-04-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: adorable!

2007-04-15 [Kailynn]: I have more now!!...YAY!!....^^...

2007-04-15 [shadow frost wolf]: garra looks so menacing!

2007-04-16 [Kailynn]: RAWR!!!....^^....I drew a big piccy of Gaara-kitty-chan..and he has a cute blue bow!!...^^...It's sooooooooooo cute!!..OO...

2007-04-17 [shadow frost wolf]: your forcing the evil right out of him arent you?

2007-04-17 [Kailynn]: OO....Ummm.....Yeah?...^^....I re drew Hina-kitty-chan!!...^^...She looks a bit more like Hinata now!!..^^...

2007-04-18 [shadow frost wolf]: do you have it? if so we can add it!

2007-04-18 [Kailynn]: OO....^^...I have it in my sketch pad!!..OO....^^...I'm going to finish a few more kitties and then put them all up!!...^^...*huggles Neji-kitty-chan*...I think that Neji-kitty-chan and Gaara-kitty-chan look the cutest though...OO...

2007-04-18 [shadow frost wolf]: yaaay!! garra's masculinity will be torn apart ^^......wait a min-

2007-04-18 [Kailynn]: OO.....I can't help that he's cute as a kitty!!...^^....

2007-04-18 [shadow frost wolf]: but he's a raccoon!

2007-04-18 [Kailynn]: I drew him as a kitty!!...^^....Gaarachu!!....^^...

2007-04-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: he's still adorable!

2007-04-19 [Kailynn]: Yay!!..^^...Neji-kitty-chan adorable, too!..*huggles Neji-kitty-chan*...OO....Way to much sugar today...^^...Hee-hee...

2007-04-19 [shadow frost wolf]: sugar is good! ^^

2007-04-19 [Kailynn]: Yeah..most of the time..I've just had so much that I couldn't see straight for a while..^^...OO..or it might have been b/c I was dizzy and almost passed out..I really couldn't tell at that point..^^..

2007-04-19 [shadow frost wolf]: well suger is apparently killing you from the inside out....XD

2007-04-19 [Kailynn]: OO...Don't say that....My family likes to tell me that I'm made or sugar..OO...and so does this guy at school...I think he's a little..errr..not right..but yeah...^^...OO...

2007-04-19 [shadow frost wolf]: who knows? maybe he likes you ^^

2007-04-19 [Kailynn]: He does...A bit to much..OO...It scares me..^^...

2007-04-19 [shadow frost wolf]: thats not good O O.......maybe you should avoid him.....^^

2007-04-19 [Kailynn]: I try...^^...but I on;y have to see him during one period and we have so much work in there he can't really talk to me..^^...he types slow..^^..

2007-04-19 [shadow frost wolf]: then you should learn judo! ^^ incase he goes unstable and shoots the place up, or learn to run!

2007-04-19 [Kailynn]: OO...He's not that bad...^^...I mean..He's not like a psycho stalker or anything...^^...He just likes me a lot..^^..

2007-04-19 [shadow frost wolf]: well thats good then ^^ it means your popular

2007-04-20 [Kailynn]: OO...Not really...I"m more of the shy, quiet type at my school..unless I'm around friends...Other than that I'm quiet and just write and draw the whole time..^^..

2007-04-21 [shadow frost wolf]: i like to yell at people when i draw! it makes it funnier cause they never know what to do! im the out of the way type that chills with like 9 of my friends and were the type that hit eachother because its funny

2007-04-21 [Kailynn]: OO..I get like that when I'm on a huge sugar high...Like I have been this whole week..^^...

2007-04-21 [shadow frost wolf]: thats because sugar is like drugs, only healthier!! ^^

2007-04-21 [Kailynn]: ^^....

2007-04-21 [shadow frost wolf]: but i still love sugar 2

2007-04-21 [Kailynn]: ^^..Me, too!!...^^..

2007-04-22 [shadow frost wolf]: man!!! i cant wait for the next naruto ep!!

2007-04-22 [Kailynn]: Yeah!!..I wanna see it really badly, too!!..

2007-04-23 [shadow frost wolf]: itachi is too crazy!!!

2007-04-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: no...I like itachi, but he hurt Sasuke! *(in background.)bad itachi*

2007-04-23 [Kailynn]: OO...They both scare me...OO..BUt Envy really scares me..OO...Caita-chan knows why...OO...

2007-04-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: I have fear of one thing.... but I won't tell you all it. (ppl use it against me, Caita might know it.)

2007-04-23 [shadow frost wolf]: oh come on! were the only people here!

2007-04-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: nah, and you should know, I encounted it alot in the 6th-8th grades

2007-04-24 [Kailynn]: OO..I have something like that, too..I don't tell anyone it...b/c most 2 year olds aren't even afraid of it!!!..^^...

2007-04-25 [shadow frost wolf]: hmm......*memory failing, again* nope dont know! ^^;

2007-05-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: good (about the not remembering....)

2007-05-21 [shadow frost wolf]: curse you kieta! you evil fox! XD

2007-05-21 [~Spirit Fox~]: yup, as hard as I try I can't repress it, Kurama-Chan knows it though. (I'm such a bad influance, *sarcasticly*)

2007-05-22 [shadow frost wolf]: and you spell atrociously! i had to fix half of your stuff on a new begining

2007-05-22 [~Spirit Fox~]: I noticed and I thank you. (If I become a famous writer, I'll give you a job...If you want.)

2007-05-23 [shadow frost wolf]: ill do it for free cause thats how i am ^^

2007-05-23 [~Spirit Fox~]: no, I cannot allow that.

2007-05-24 [shadow frost wolf]: how come?

2007-05-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: mom....

2007-05-25 [shadow frost wolf]: your mom said you cant take free help?

2007-05-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: OH.... nonononono wrong wiki! ^.^' lol~ I was thinking of something else, but anyway I don't believe in charity, you of all should know that...

2007-05-29 [shadow frost wolf]: true, i remember that time in eight grade......

2007-06-04 [~Spirit Fox~]: okay, i don't think i do....

2007-06-04 [shadow frost wolf]: i tried to buy paper off you, but you wouldnt take the money

2007-06-09 [~Spirit Fox~]: really? *oh well* I am a odd one, yes...I know I am.

2007-06-09 [Kailynn]: ^^..Me, too!!!...^^....OO....RAWR!!!!!

2007-06-10 [shadow frost wolf]: perhaps, but your my odd ones ^_^ *glomps both*

2007-06-10 [Kailynn]: Yay!!!..^^..

2007-06-12 [shadow frost wolf]: RAWR!!!! ^_^

2007-06-12 [Kailynn]: EEP!!!!.....OO

2007-06-12 [shadow frost wolf]: what? huh? who said my name?

2007-06-12 [Kailynn]: OO.....

2007-06-12 [shadow frost wolf]: a fairy? where are you?

2007-06-12 [Kailynn]: OO.....Mew?...OO...

2007-06-12 [shadow frost wolf]: there it goes again!!

2007-06-12 [Kailynn]: *grin.*.....MEW!!!

2007-06-12 [shadow frost wolf]: its attacking!!!! *ducking for cover*

2007-06-12 [Kailynn]: OO.....

2007-06-12 [shadow frost wolf]: its gone....i think...

2007-06-12 [Kailynn]: mew?..

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: *Kieta takes a thick book and drops it on the fairy.* All gone.

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: *laying under a book.* X.X

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: ops, I missed oh well.... wait Rika! gah! I'm sorry. please comback to life! *Sets out to find the fairy and make it heal Rika.*

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: X.X *was the "fairy".*....

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: oh... but I hate fairies... Rika!

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: TT.TT.....I'm sorry!!!...

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: growls. are you really a fairy?

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: no.....I can turn into different things!!...^^

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: ah a shapeshifter... *Kitsune's can do that too...*

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: I don't like fairies either!!..I judt have cute wings...and I like the ears! *starts playing with her ears.*

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: I like the wings ish but i don't like them personally...

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: I like ears!!!...^^...But I like cat ears, fox ears, and dog ears more....or things like that....^^....

2007-06-13 [shadow frost wolf]: ah...more randomness than ever before i see ^^

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: OO....I do like ears!!..and Eyes!!..^^....

2007-06-13 [shadow frost wolf]: me too ^_^ and tails!!!

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: yeah!!!...

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: *Kieta grabs her tail and curls up.*, Mine!

2007-06-13 [shadow frost wolf]: we're wolves! we have our own tails ^^

2007-06-13 [~Spirit Fox~]: yes, but I like mine, ppl kill animals for their fur and tails, I don't like that.

2007-06-13 [Kailynn]: Me neither!!...It's so mean!!!!.... I like my doggy's tail!!..It fans out..just like my Babe's did....I really miss my Babe sometimes...

2007-06-14 [shadow frost wolf]: wha?

2007-06-14 [Kailynn]: I don't like people killing animals for their fur and/or tail

2007-06-14 [shadow frost wolf]: i know, whats babe?

2007-06-14 [Kailynn]: She was my doggy had we brought haom from Wal-Mart...

2007-06-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: my mom brough taco *stary cat* from taco bell.

2007-06-14 [Kailynn]: Ummm....let's see.....Hunter, Romeo, Yugi, Sassy, Stophie, and Lilly were all strays that found us...before I was born momma had T.J and Chester...and then Rudy came to us when I was about 3..and I got him for a gift..but we had to get rid of those.......and then along can hunter and Romeo..then the others....and then my step dad had Sparky, Snowball, and Keefer (dogs)..who passed away due to old age...and then a friend gave us tulip (a basset), daniel got Eli his puppy at founders day last year, and then we found Babe at wal-Mart....but then all the dogs got out of the fence...and eli ran off...we got the others...but since eli was gone Babe kept getting out..and eventually she got ran over..b/c we live close to a highway....and then a few days later..we found Eli..he was beaten up bad..but he lived through it all...and then my little brothers friend heard about my babe and gave me my maxi puppy..and then my Lilly kitty just have 4 kittens...a week tomorrow...^^....and..thus all of our animals...^^...(well..I left out a few..but that's most of them)..^^..

2007-06-14 [~Spirit Fox~]: I didn't have that many but we've had alot.

2007-06-15 [Kailynn]: ^^...We'd have more if I kept every animals that I liked...^^...

2007-06-17 [shadow frost wolf]: like all?

2007-06-17 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: is that a yes?

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: *confuzzeled.*

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: if you kept all the animals you liked, would that be all of them?

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: It'd be a lot....not all..but a lot....

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: my pets keep dying and crap! TT.TT

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: TT.TT

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: *filled with pain and questions un answerable*

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: *eating a steak*

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: RAWR!!!

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: *feeds you a steak*

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: OO..Meep?

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: i made it myself! ^_^

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: Yay!!

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: *wasnt aware that i could cook* ^^

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: ^^

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: i can bake really well though!!

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: I can't...^^...Knowing how I cook..I'd be lucky to make instant ramen!!...

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: ooooh im a gourmet with that stuff!! ^^

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: *pouts.*..I'm not..

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: i add lots of extra stuff to it to make it even better!

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: ....

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: you really cant cook?

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: no...I can't...

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: well dont worry about it, you have more than enough positive gifts to make up for it ^_^

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: You think so?...Yay!!..*huggles.*

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: ^^ of course! you have a positive effect on me, your very kind, and your pure, which most girls your age arent ^^

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO.....Yeah...I know what you mean...My friends are butt monkeys like that....

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: which ones? teylnn or "the other ones"

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: "the other ones"..Telynn's always nice to me!!..a bit of a perv..but she's nice...^^

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: so ive noticed XDD

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: MEEP!!!......She wants my ears!!!...*covers ears with a hat.*

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: OO.....telynn's a baaad girl! XDDDD

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: Don't say that!!..She'll hear it!!..TT.TT

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: through the net? OO....

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO??

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: thats a clever skill ^^ HEAR ME TELYNN!!!

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO....*hides.* I'm not here...and neither are my ears!!

2007-06-22 [shadow frost wolf]: well that wont hide you from her for long ^^

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: TT.TT...I know...

2007-06-23 [shadow frost wolf]: try covering yourself in fire to back her off a little

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: OO....Ummmm....That would hurt...TT.TT

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: but your ears shall be safe!

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: But my life won't!!...OO

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: then i'll hold the fires off from you k?

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: Okay?...OO

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: confusing as it may be, it can work!

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: okay?...

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: yes ^_^

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: TREE!!!

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